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Keywords: contour extraction
PO-GePV-P-78Using Stacked FCN Networks to Improve the Accuracy of Automatic Delineation of Target Volumes and Organs at Risk
Y Fu*, H Yu , West China HospitalChengdu
TH-A-225BCD-8Hands Off Deep Learning Derived Synthetic CT and Contour Driven Multimodal Registration in the Head and Neck
E McKenzie*, N Tong , A Santhanam , M Cao , D Ruan , K Sheng , UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
TH-D-304-4Quantifying the Dosimetric Impact of Delineation Variability While Considering Patient Setup Variability
E Aliotta*, H Nourzadeh , J Siebers , University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA
TU-F115-GePD-F7-5Development of a Geometric Tool for Patient-Specific, Contour Based VMAT Collimator Optimization
J Kilian-Meneghin*, L Kumaraswamy, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY